Trifari Patents by Year & Also by Collection
Double click on the year or collection below to view that grouping of Trifari patents.
Interestingly enough, the earliest patents I was able to find for Trifari, Krussman and Fishel Inc. were actually in 1926 for a vanity set including a file, a brush and a mirror!
This collection consists of Trifari's people figural patents. It includes parts of people like heads and hands.
This collection consists of Trifari birds and other feathered friends figural patents. This includes but not limited to chickens, chicks, roosters, and ducks!
This is a collection of Trifari fish and other sea / swimming creature figural patents. I have also included turtles and frogs in this group.
This is a collection of all the Trifari animal patents not shown in the preceeding 2 groups. This page consists of patents for horses, monkeys, elephants, dogs, bunnies, lizards, snakes, and also a bear, sheep, lion, squirrel, camel, and a pig!
This is a collection of Trifari insect figural patents which includes butterflies, beetles, bees and more!
This is a collection of Trifari's fruit and vegetable patents. They include apples, pears, oranges, berries, grapes, corn on the cob and a mushroom brooch (basically anything that looked like edible items)! I wasn't sure if all of them qualify but I included them anyway.
This is a collection of Trifari's celestial patents. They include stars, moons, comets and meteors! (I haven't finished this one yet)
This is a collection of Trifari's bow and ribbon patents. Only the patents of jewelry that you would call a "bow" or "ribbon" piece are included.
This is a collection of Trifari crown figural patents.
This is a collection of Trifari swords and knives figural patents. I think there's also a letter opener too.
This is a collection of Trifari keys figural patents.
This is a collection of Trifari hearts figural patents.
This is a collection of Trifari baskets figural patents. Also included are wheel barrels and vases.
This is a grouping of other Trifari patents of objects including musical, trees, ocean items, fans, horseshoes & wreaths, flags and miscellaneous.
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